Monday, October 29, 2018


New media gives people a completely different platform to express their opinions to a large audience and gain inspiration from others as well, and this goes a long way in helping to foster creativity. The biggest benefit is definitely being able to share your ideas so many people instantaneously. For example, according to "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?", Youtubers have uploaded mashup videos of Pooh and other Disney characters to Soulja Boy's hit single "Crank That". And companies have turned a blind eye to this, with Nickelodeon seeing these videos of Spongebob as fair use of its copyrighted content. The fact that they tolerate and even welcome these creative, humorous videos shows how they continue to encourage creative uses of their property. And why wouldn't they? It serves as a great, cost-free way to advertise their shows. And the use of new media platforms such as Youtube allows other people to view these videos and be inspired and even come up with new, creative ideas and content as well. One thing is for sure, none of this would've been possible without new media.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome points! New media does a great job in fostering creativity. Like you said it allows people to share ideas instantaneously. I believe in this day and age, people want their information quick and new media definitely helps that cause!


Next New

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