Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Next New

I do think that the next big breakthrough will be in virtual reality, given that it seems to be the new focus of companies that are planning for the future. I imagine that it could be something like a new way to stay connected with your friends without messaging them, such as a a VR room. Having holograms of your friends would not only be very entertaining but it would be a cool way to keep in touch with people who may live far away, while making it more personal than texting, calling or even skyping.


  1. Projections and holograms would definitely be a great extension of what we currently have of video chatting Hasung! I think it would make us more than ever connected but I see the appeal of a simpler camera versus a whole body projection. Where I can see this being used is in business like, professional, settings more so than between individuals but having the option would still be very cool.

  2. VR technologies will pioneer virtual realities into the next form of social media. It'll be a long way before we become immersed in digital worlds but for now, being able to see with our eyes in a VR headset is amazing enough.

  3. I'm so looking forward to see the day when Virtual reality is expanded being similar to what we see in sci-fi movies!!!
    Awesome Post!

  4. I think VR is definitely one of the next steps in the evolution of new media. VR headsets seem to be popping up in most places, and I wouldn't be surprised to see those numbers climb higher over the next few years.

  5. VR is amazing as it is now but with modern technology such as Discord and Skype, it is already amazing to have the ability to communicate with friends online. I can only imagine what the future will have.


Next New

I do think that the next big breakthrough will be in virtual reality, given that it seems to be the new focus of companies that are planning...