Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Blog about Twitter

A Twitter discussion is very new to me, but in the limited knowledge I have about this topic, I find that it is actually quite a hassle given that there is a character limit. This prevents people from being able to fully articulate their opinions and are forced to be overly concise in discussion situations where further explanation may be necessary. In contrast, a Blackboard discussion has no character limit, so people have no limits on how much they can write, which is very useful in a discussion. But one downside to Blackboard is the fact that people don't receive notifications when someone comments on their posts. Maybe there is an option to turn on notifications that I don't know about, but as of now it is a big weakness since you may completely miss other people's inputs on your post.

An in-class discussion is the most fluid type of discussion among the three and people can get across their opinions at a much faster rate. But this may not facilitate more discussion, especially if some students are less inclined to speak out publicly. There is also less time for people to formulate coherent responses during an in-class discussion, so there is a chance that some crucial points go unmentioned entirely.

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